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Rochelle Broder-Singer, Editor and Writer
An expert in general business topics, Rochelle also has deep experience crafting content about topics including:
Commercial and residential real estate
Education, including education equity and college success organizations
Taxes, accounting and related professional services
Health care organizations
International business
Hospitality industry
Small business
Science-related writing
Gardening, horticulture, botany
Wine, beer and spirits
Rochelle works for magazines, websites, universities, corporate clients and nonprofits, on projects ranging from half-page blog entries to 200-page books. Her projects have included:
The University of Miami School of Business – publications consultant, editor of the school’s twice-annual alumni magazine, editor of annual accounting mini-magazine
Florida Trend magazine – writer, covering business in Miami-Dade monthly in Miami-Dade Around the State, plus other business coverage
The Tropical Garden, the magazine of Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden – editor and copyeditor
Writing, editing, production and editorial management of newsletters, including "Latin Business Traveler," Gulliver School's "Raider Review," real estate attorney Marc Kleiner's "Kleiner's Korner" and Ibis Property Owners Association's "Ibis Life."
Rochelle also moderates roundtables, speaks to community groups on business topics and teaches proofreading and grammar courses.
With her well-developed news instinct, Rochelle has a proven ability to understand audience needs and meet those needs. She can spot the holes in a story or communications piece and get them filled, make copy sing, plan for superior design and manage communications projects. By partnering with clients such as publishers, editors, managers, business owners, educational institutions and nonprofits, she ensures that the right content reaches the right audience.
The former editor of South Florida CEO magazine (published by CEO Publishing Group), Rochelle was with the magazine’s editorial department from 1999 through 2008, and was managing editor of sister publication LatinCEO. She also worked as an account executive at Detroit-based public relations firms Angie Bournias Creative Services and Franco Public Relations Group, and as a technical writer creating service manuals for the military for truck maker AM General.
Rochelle is a member of the Society for American Business Editors and Writers, the American Copy Editors Society and the Editorial Freelancers Association.