Conference Publications

Let RB Editing & Writing help you extend the ROI of your conferences with post-conference newsletters, websites and high-impact editorial content

A post-conference website, newsletter, magazine or blog series by us can:

  • Add value to participants after the conference

  • Provide additional exposure for speakers

  • Create additional exposure opportunity for sponsors (as an add-on or part of your regular sponsorship package)

  • Share thought leadership with more people, including members who did not attend the conference

  • Keep your organization's name, mission and usefulness top of mind well after the event

  • Help prospective sponsors understand who has participated and presented past conferences, and why they want to be in front of that audience

  • Increase attendance at future conferences by giving potential attendees a taste of the valuable content

  • Use content for social media posts promoting your organization and future events

  • Help prospective speakers understand the value of participating

You've spent a lot of money to bring your conference to life. Extend the ROI, make the most of the valuable content and increase your brand value through articles, session papers, executive summaries, action items and more.

We can conceive and create a post-conference newsletter, website, magazine or blog series that will cement your position as a thought leader in your industry. Any of these is an excellent way to stay in touch with participants and continue to provide them with useful information. For your sponsors, it's another opportunity to get their logos in front of attendees – and perhaps even those who didn't attend. And, you'll have lots of future content for social media posts.


RB Editing & Writing conference coverage:

Before the conference, we'll work together to plan the coverage package and media that will best serve your objectives. 

We can work with our team of writers, or your own internal writers. We'll attend all your conference sessions – presentations, keynotes and sessions – and we'll interview attendees, sponsors and presenters. If you'd like, we can live tweet throughout the conference. 

Our dynamic articles will capture the knowledge, insights and ideas shared. They'll be complemented by sidebars, bullet points, action items and more. 

Then, we'll create a newsletter, magazine, website, series of blog posts or other content package. We'll edit, copyedit and proofread everything, help source photos and other artwork, and collaborate with a designer (yours or ours). We'll manage a printer or work with your website. 

You'll receive a complete final product and – just as importantly – a strategy to make the most of it. 

The RB Editing & Writing Team includes multiple conference-coverage experts, and we've been involved in covering dozens of conferences.

Contact us today to make the most of your conference content.

A few examples of conference coverage packages conceived, managed and edited by members of our team (click image to see more):

The Business of Health Care

Full online and print coverage of the day-long University of Miami conference.

Real Estate Impact Conference 2017

Keeping coverage of the annual conference fresh, with key points in print, plus full coverage online.

The University of Miami Real Estate Impact Conference 2016

Highlights in print, plus full session-by-session coverage online.

The University of Miami Global Business Forum

Session-by-session coverage of a three-day conference, in print and online.